Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Call Me! (Well, call RightRides)

Just a reminder: this Saturday, if you want a free, safe, late-night ride to your home between 12 and 3 am (Sunday morning) and you are a woman or transperson...

CALL RightRides at 888-215-SAFE(7233)!!

We'll get you home, and we'll get your friends home too! If there are enough seatbelts you can even all go together and meet our great, motivated, inspired volunteers.

So get out there, and then get home safe- with us!

Kasia the Intern.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Rachel Hill - August's Volunteer of the Month

I volunteer for RightRides because I like its direct, grassroots approach to addressing street harassment and violence against women. The fear of street harassment and harm is something that every woman/trans-person experiences. Being a single girl who goes out a lot I have definitely taken cabs home quite often simply because I did not feel safe walking alone, and living on a non-profit salary made that decision a difficult one to make. In fact at one point I was working at a nightclub and had to quit because I got followed home by a guy exposing himself to me 2 blocks from my house at 3:30 in the morning. So when RightRides came along I was thrilled that there was someone who recognized that women should have the right to stay out and have fun but also the right to get home safely. I started using the service back when it started and then became a volunteer back in 2006 and have been volunteering ever since!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fashion, cupcakes and RightRides, oh my!

Just a quick note directing you to Nichelle's blog Fashion Swap and Meet, where she chronicled her finds from clothing swaps around the city- including the RightRides swap we had at the Delancey a while back! Check out her blog for more clothing swap events from a woman in the know, and thanks to Nichelle for this lovely picture.